Celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day

May 18, 2023

We celebrated Global Accessibility Awareness Day in collaboration with We Able showcasing the importance of digital accessibility for all by hosting a virtual session on the importance of technology and accessibility by Suhail Alnashash, our Zain Jordan employee who shared his perspective as an employee with a disability.

We also hosted a virtual bootcamp on digital accessibility conducted by the Zainiac team. During this one-hour bootcamp, participants had the opportunity to provide invaluable feedback on enhancing the accessibility of the Zainiac website using Web accessibility tools. This enabled our Zainers to actively contribute to the development of a more inclusive and user-friendly digital platform. Their valuable insights and contributions have already begun to make an impact as more than 30 accessibility features have begun development. 

Durr Thamer from Zain Iraq is the winner of this exciting bootcamp! As a reward, she has won a cutting-edge 5th-generation Alexa Echo Dot.


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