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ZAINIAC was designed to capture innovative ideas for Zain from people who know Zain the best – Zainers. Every idea will be evaluated by the Vanguard and potentially implemented. Ideators will be rewarded for every successful implementation based on ZAINIAC’s new Reward Scheme.

  • ZAINIAC gives you an outlet to share your ideas to improve the company, allowing you to highlight your abilities and innovations.
  • You get the opportunity to collaborate with other Zainers.
  • If your idea gets approved, you get up to 4 hours of dedicated time per week to work on implementing your idea.
  • Based on your contributions, you will be eligible for up to a 10% boost in your end-of-year IPPs.
  • A chance to win amazing prizes.
  • ZAINIAC aims to train every Zainer and mold a creative mindset.
  • Click here to read more about ZAINIAC’s Implementations.

What's New

  • Innovation is either creating a new product, process, or service to improve efficiency, effectiveness, or competitiveness; or improving an existing product or process. With ZAINIAC, we want to improve the things we do at Zain, from minor upgrades to game-changing ideas.
  • Want to know more? Contact the Vanguard in your OPCO.
  • Solve business problems and have an advantage over the competition.
  • Reduce costs and increase revenue.
  • Be more efficient, more profitable, and increase productivity.
  • Optimize performance through a culture of innovation and improved ways of working.
  • Grow in complex situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Everyone! Your job title and department don’t matter, we want to hear your thoughts!
  • We have themed campaign topics for you to submit ideas. We are looking for innovative, fresh, interesting, new ideas with a high ROI potential.
  • The platform is also open to “Think out of the box” – every Zainer can submit an idea regardless of the campaign topic if they believe their idea is innovative.

Accessing the Platform

  • Go to zainiac.zain.com.
  • Login or Signup for the first time. You will then be prompted to verify the account via email. Once verified, you can log in and submit your idea.
  • Go to zainiac.zain.com and click on “Login
  • Log into the platform using your work email address
    • If you don’t already have an account, click on “Register now
    • If you cannot remember your login credentials, click on “Forgot Password?”
  • If you still need support, please contact the ZAINIAC team at zainiac@zain.com.
  • Go to zainiac-dash.zain.com/en/login
  • Click on “Register now
    • Enter your full name, OPCO, work email address, and password, and submit.
    • Confirm your account from the email you receive.
    • Once you verify, you can log into your account.
  • If you still need support, please contact the ZAINIAC team at zainiac@zain.com.
  • If you cannot remember your login credentials, click on “Forgot Password?”
    • Enter your work email address and click “Reset Password.”
    • You will receive an email to reset your password.
    • Click on the link to set your new password.
  • If you still need support, please contact the ZAINIAC team at zainiac@zain.com.

Idea Submission

  • You can either submit an idea to the themed campaign or “Think out of the box.”
  • Please note that all ideas submitted need to have a common goal – to move Zain forward.
  • Log in to zainiac.zain.com and click on “Add Idea.”
  • Select your OPCO and the category you would like to submit your idea to. You have two categories to choose from:
    • Campaigns – which are open during specific intervals.
    • Think out of the box – which is open all year round.
  • Once you click “Next,” you will need to enter your idea title and description.
    • Upload any supporting documents or images that can help us better understand your idea.
    • Add team members who’ve helped you generate the idea and share the recognition. You will only be able to add colleagues who already have an account registered on ZAINIAC.
    • When you click “Next,” you will be able to describe the problem, how your idea is solving it, who it benefits and how, add potential obstacles, and what support is required to implement the idea.

There is no limitation to the number of ideas submitted as long as they are new & innovative ideas. The more ideas you submit, the more points and badges you earn, which can be seen in the ZAINIAC Leaderboard.

Any idea is welcome as long as it is innovative. Implementation plans are not required, just a detailed description of the idea. Once your idea is approved, the Vanguard will work closely with you to create an action plan.

  • We will conduct regular sprints on how to generate ideas of excellent quality.
  • Every sprint is strategically chosen to mold a creative mindset.
  • The Vanguard in each OPCO will conduct innovation and brainstorming sessions.

The Innovation Process

  • Ideas will be collated and evaluated by the Vanguard in your OPCO.
  • If your idea is approved, congrats you’ve reached the next phase.
    • The Vanguard will set up a meeting with you to create an action plan and get you involved in the implementation.
    • You will be eligible for up to 4 hours of dedication innovation time per week to work on getting your idea implemented.
    • You can check the status of your ideas on your ZAINIAC profile page.
    • Once implemented, you will be rewarded based on ZAINIAC’s new Reward Scheme.
    • You may get a chance to attend training programs specially catered to your growth.
    • Based on your innovative contributions, you will also be eligible for up to a 10% boost in your end-of-year IPPs.
  • If your idea has not been approved, you will receive an email informing you of the status and tips to improve the quality of your ideas. You will have an opportunity to resubmit your idea making the necessary improvements.

The Vanguard is an elite group of Zainers handpicked from each OPCO tasked with leading innovation and brainstorming sessions to help you generate your game-changing ideas.

The Vanguard is also in charge of:

  • Driving engagement and participation.
  • Analyzing, evaluating, and selecting the best ideas from each OPCO.
  • Recognizing, rewarding, and celebrating the winning ideas.
  • Converting the best ideas into action plans.
  • Liaising with the respective departments to ensure the idea is implemented.

Find out who the Vanguard are in your OPCO.

  • After submitting your idea, you will receive an update within 5-10 business days.
  • If you haven’t heard anything, please reach out to the Vanguard in your OPCO.
  • The Vanguard will meet with you to create an action plan and you will be a part of the implementation team.
  • You will always be visibly connected to the progress of your ideas via your ZAINIAC profile page.

No, you will never be asked to incur any associated costs related to either the use of the application or the implementation of the submitted idea(s).

Rewards and Recognition

Yes. We encourage you to share pictures of yourself and your certificate on social media platforms as long as the content of your ideas remains confidential.

  • The ideators of all implemented ideas will receive monetary rewards and innovation certificates.
  • You will get a chance to attend training programs specially catered to your growth.
  • You will also get the opportunity to receive mentoring/ coaching/ training.
  • Based on your contributions, you will be eligible for up to a 10% boost in your end-of-year IPPs.
  • All implemented ideas will be featured on Zain’s channels and the ideators will be invited to attend events.
  • Click here to read more about ZAINIAC’s Reward Scheme

Further Support